Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fallen For The Wash

I think I have figured out what to make almost everyone this year for Christmas! For many reasons but the most sensible to me is they are quick and easy and voila! Done! I have fallen for the wash cloth....well not the wash cloth, but this and many more kinda like it!
They will not all be exactly like this one and there lies the beauty of it. Between different colors and different patterns I can make many that are not alike. Kinda like you and I going to different schools together! Ahem.....yea so shoot me. You get my drift.
I was also thinking about dabbling in making my own letters (crochet of course) and sewing the first initial on to make it even more personalized. Whatcha think?? I'll have to experiment and think on that.
I worked this one up in two days. The starting chain was an even number, 42 I think. The second round and each thereafter consisted of ch 1, sk 1, sc in next st, then hdc in the same st, *sk 1, sc & hdc in same st*. How simple is that? And just look at the pattern it created! Can ya blame me for falling in love with it? I liked it so much that I didn't even put a border around it...I liked it like it is. Just added a loop to hang it with.
Can you just see yourself in the shower with this wash cloth? Move over loofah, you've met your match! If you've never washed with a wash cloth made out of #3 thread you really don't know what you're missing. Exfoliating will never be the same again! :o)
Right then....I'm off.......to the showa.....with my new best bud......lol
PS/I forgot to say that I crocheted this with a C hook. And I started another one last night with teal thread, same hook, same stitches, only all of the stitches are going in the back loop and what a difference in the look of the pattern. I'll be back later to show you that one.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Amanda Palmer and her 'Map of Tasmania'

Leave it to Amanda Palmer to add another euphemism for vagina to our language.  I've never heard Map of Tasmania used before, but I kind of like it.  Gives it a global, world traveler feel.  I got to hand it to Palmer, she is a gutsy chic that puts it all out there (literally) and has absolutely no fear.  Plus, she's recently married to Neil Gaiman, which gives her additional awesome points in my book.
(song and video NSFW)

If you don't know Amanda Palmer, get to with a quickness.  She is the patron saint of all things wackado and a total badass, and therefore an honorary member of the Geek Girl Nation!


Do you like LISTS? I sure do! Top 20 Musings Re: THE GOLDEN GLOBES

Regarding the Golden Globe Awards:
  1. I love Helena Bonham Carter, and I don’t care HOW she dressed for the show! I think two different colored shoes is 100% acceptable, especially if you cohabitate with TIM BURTON!!!!
  2. ‘Social Network’ deserved the best picture, b/c dangit, they made a move about Facebook not just interesting, but riveting!
  3. That being said, I’m still glad that Colin Firth and Natalie Portman represented for their amazing work in ‘The King’s Speech’ and ‘Black Swan’.
  4. Who the heck would have guessed in 1993 that Trent Reznor would be all clean-cut accepting a freaking Golden Globe award for best score. My living room sounded like this, ‘THAT’S TRENT REZNOR?!?! …wait a second, THAT IS Trent Reznor?!?!? …no, from NINE INCH NAILS?!?’
  5. Ricky Gervais, I love him, but he was kind of a one-note joke-teller last night…nothing too shocking, nothing laugh-out-loud funny…
  6. Robert Downey, Jr., on the other hand… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wotFIIVrzAs
  7. 'The Kids Are All Right’, best Musical or Comedy? Why was this in THAT category? Did I see the same movie that they did? I must have run to the restroom during the big musical number, b/c I can tell you one thing, that movie is NOT a comedy!
  8. Is ‘Barney’s Version’ even OUT yet? What the heck?!?! I mean, congratulations Mr. Giamatti!
  9. Do you think Laura Linney won b/c they knew she wasn’t there and they had to make up time after Christian Bale’s speech, since everyone was too frightened to play the wrap-up music for C. Bale?
  10. I love Steve Buscemi…and I love him in ‘Boardwalk Empire’…but there is no way he is better than Michael Shannon or Michael Pitt…both of whom were NOT EVEN NOMINATED! NOT FAIR!
  11. Good for Katey Segal and Melissa Leo! They’ve been around for a long time…they really had this coming! (PS- Before 'Homicide' jumped the shark, it was DEFINITELY my favorite TV Drama EVER!)
  12. I’ll admit it, I watch ‘Glee’…I even enjoy ‘Glee’…and due to timeliness and my support of gay and lesbian equality, I will TOTALLY celebrate with Chris Colfer AND Jane Lynch…but there is NO WAY that ‘Glee’ is a better show than ‘Modern Family.’ NO.WAY.
  13. Didn’t ‘Temple Grandin’ come out in 2004? How long is Claire Danes going to be riding that train?
  14. I don’t want to offend anyone, but who is watching ‘The Big Bang Theory’? There are so many tv shows on the air right now…and I’m a self-proclaimed GEED! Maybe you just don’t watch tv that much…but there are better options…I promise! Have you ever seen ‘How I Met Your Mother’? or even ‘Jersey Shore’?
  15. Did Sandra Bulloch get a Charles Manson-style tattoo on her forehead? What’s up with those bangs?
  16. That was NOT Julia Stiles when they cut to her and said, ‘Julia Stiles’…I mean, it might have been another woman named ‘Julia Stiles’…but that was NOT the Julia Stiles we were expecting!
  17. I know I’m not the fashion expert…I’m not even a fashion novice…but my favorite dress was Olivia Wilde’s…google it…so pretty…
  18. Least favorite? Emma Stone’s…it looked like a really long t-shirt in a color that wasn’t particularly flattering with her current coloring…again, not that I should be commenting…
  19. Barbara Hershey presenting...uh…was that a nip slip?
  20. I love that little girl from ‘True Grit’! and I bet she was loving presenting with Justin Bieber…awww!

The Map

How else will you know where you're going? The indispensable map is both a thing of beauty and an object of scorn. Beauty when it gets you where you need to go, scorn when you can't make head or tail of it. Maps have seen me through many a quagmire, and also helped to create a few.

There is an old Emirati proverb to encourage travelers: المسافر له في البحر طريق
It roughly translates to "there is always a path in the sea." However, sometimes that path can be difficult to find without a trusty map at your side.

As I begin the journey of writing for the Geek Girl Nation blog, I would like to share with you the story of one of my very favorite maps of all time.

This is a one of a kind specially drawn map to a secret waterfall in Nanu Oya, Sri Lanka. I have to admit that I nearly squealed with joy when the convenience store clerk at the train station ripped out a piece of ledger paper to draw it for me. It was accompanied by verbal instructions but I think the map is just about the coolest souvenir I could ever hope to receive. And yes, I still have it.

So You Wanna Raise a Geek?

When I was a little girl I always bought in to the "You can be anything you want to be!" hype. I thought of all kinds of cool stuff to be, but finally settled on a favorite: A Mommy. I mean, sure, the President might be in charge of some important stuff, but Mommies *literally* make people. Although the journey to adulthood, and Mommihood was longer and way harder than I thought, I've arrived. My son is turning one this week, so I've been thinking a great deal about the sort of things about which I want him to learn; the things about which I hope he has great passion. You know, what will be the focus of his inner geek, I mean, soul. Then I thought about the kinds of things we already do with him...

Like celebrating Hothlanta for the Snowpacolypse of 2011, and I remembered what else we've already done this year...

Geeking out as a history buff...

Playing with the iPhone... just like Daddy on his iPad...

Posing as a "Super Baby" for his first IgniteATL talk...

Waiting for his first Dragon*Con pass...

Being Baby Harry Potter in the Dragon*Con Parade...

Rockin' it with Mommy as a Klingon...

Paying homage to one of the great Geek Girl's of our time as a carrot jockey... (of Cake Wrecks and Epbot fame).

Further developing a good sense of his own Super-ness...

Yeah, I figure I'm pretty much on my way to being a total Geek Mom!

The birds! They're coming for us!

How awesome are these?  I am constantly amazed at things that can be built with Legos, but the fact that folks are customizing things like Angry Birds melts my geek heart...

Lego Thing of the Day: LEGO Angry Birds by Tsang Yiu Keung.
Giant Red Bird, Mighty Eagle, and additional pigs forthcoming.
[thanks mduncs!]

Must have! Death Star cookie jar

There are cookie jars and then there is...THE DEATH STAR!

I had no idea there were so many Star Wars cooking and food related things out there. Lucas, you are indeed a marketing genius!

The First of Many

Happy Monday!

I know it's early but I am the early bird that caught that pesky worm! He's history! lol

This is the first of many little tangerine and tan hexagons that I will be crocheting. The idea behind them is that I will make a tablecloth for my daughter for next Christmas. (Christmas??!! Yes folks, Christmas. Believe me, it'll be here again before you know it and I, for one, am getting an early start.) You see, I have this tendency to start a large project and then get bored with it and I will put it down until I am ready to pick it back up again OR get down to the wire and then I'm scrambling to get it done.

Why you say?? Well, fortunately I am not the only crochet crafter that does this stupid thing, but it's just something that we share. The quick and easy projects, with instant 'crochetification' is what drives a lot of us hookers.

Although I am really stoked about this project, and I am soooo in love with this particular hexie. I found a real quick and easy hexie that I just love doing in this pattern. (The link takes you to the sign in on the Lion Brand site. Sign up is free...go for it...you won't be disappointed.) It is motif II. I had been searching for one specifically for a tablecloth in all of my printed (gazillions) of patterns. That was my first obstacle.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Welcome to the Nation of GeekGirls!

I am one of a bunch of geeky girlys you'll find here, but most specifically I would be the CrochetGeekGirl. If you haven't guessed, I am Geeked out with crochet. I love it. I'm wonky with it! I'm a yarn ho who loves to hook. What can I say??

I'll be bringing you tidbits about this and that - yarn, crochet, maybe some knit, stitching....you know...the crafty stuff. :o)

Pull up a chair, make yourself comfy cozy and enjoy the ride.


And we're off!

Hello!  And welcome to Geek Girl Nation!  A place for the ladies and all the geeky, nerdy, off the wall stuff we love.  From food to crafts, books to movies, and everything awesome, we cover it all. 

My name is Holly and I am your geek-in-chief.  A geek of all trades.  A fangirl and proud of it! 

My welcome gift to you and a good example of the type of humor you can expect from me:  I give you Charlie's finest moment from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Enjoy!